Tag Archives: healthy-living

Easy Paleo Meatballs

Paleo Meatballs

Easy Paleo Meatballs:

If you are looking for a quick and easy Paleo meatball recipe, this one is for you!  The key to moist meatballs every single time is how you cook them.  Although browning meatballs adds extra flavor, it can sometimes impart some toughness to the meat.  Instead, I essentially poach  my meatballs in crushed tomatoes and the results are amazing.  Try them and let me know what ya’ll think!


1 Pound Ground Turkey

1 Pound Ground Beef

1 Tbsp Salt

1 Tsp Cracked Black Pepper

1 Tsp Garlic Powder

1 Tsp Onion Powder

2 Tbsp Coconut Flour

1 Tsp Dried Basil

1 Tsp Dried Oregano

28 oz Can Crushed Tomatoes with Basil


  1. In a large mixing bowl, combing both meats with the salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, coconut flour, and dried spices.  Combine them thoroughly but take care not to over work the mixture.
  2. In a deep sauce pan large enough to hold the meatballs in one layer pour in one third of the tomatoes to coat the bottom of the pan.
  3. For each meatball form 1/3 of a cup of the meat mixture into a ball and set in the sauce pan in one layer.  Pour the remaining tomatoes on the top of the meatballs, season with 1 tsp of salt, and set over medium heat.  Once the contents start to bubble away turn the head down to a simmer, cover, and allow to cook for a minimum of 30 minutes.  The longer they cook the softer your meatballs will be.
  4. 15 Minutes before you are ready to eat take the over off and allow the sauce to reduce to a slightly thicker consistency.
  5. Serve with spaghetti squash, sautéed zucchini noodles, or all by themselves!

Click HERE for a downloadable PDF of this recipe!


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Posted by on August 23, 2016 in Main Entree, Recipes


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DANGER: Is “Paleo Friendly” the New “Fat Free?”

10Baked Pumpkin Spice Doughnuts_1_Fotor

There is a real problem going on these days in the Paleo community, and I think many need to take great caution not to fall victim.  In two words…”Paleo Friendly”.

Years ago when fat became the devil in America a new catch phrase was born; “low fat.”  Think about it, the very idea of something being low fat didn’t mean a hill of beans 30 years ago.  Once the food industry realized that this simple phrase would attract millions to buy, and make them billions in profit, it became a real food phenomenon.  All of a sudden you should not eat an oreo, but you could polish off an entire box of Snackwells and it was all good.  They are low fat so they don’t count!

Here is another one…”sugar free.”  Type 2 diabetics, on the average, love their sweets.  They know they can’t justify eating overtly sweet treats, so they run for the “sugar free” items almost as if they don’t count.  Once sugar became a bad thing, the food industry did all they could to come up with sugar substitutes.  That lasted for a while, but then…once they became questionable because they are “artificial,” they set out to make sugar substitutes made with real sugar!  HUH?!  You can’t make this stuff up.

This simplistic thinking can be dangerous.  Being low fat does not make things healthy, and neither does being sugar free.  But, here is the kicker, the newest catchphrase is “paleo friendly.”  And yes, simply being paleo friendly does not make things less dangerous.  If we are not careful, it could be the ultimate downfall of the Paleo lifestyle.

Paleo became a viable option for many because it makes physiologic sense.  Fuel your body with real food based on a low carbohydrate and protein rich diet, and achieve success in weight loss and overall health.  One of the great debates has always been what things truly are “Paleo” and which ones are not.  Once those lines are drawn, then it seems that any combination or concoction is fair game as long as the ingredients add up.  Is that the right line of thinking?

To me it is overly simplistic reasoning, and it can indeed be dangerous.  Suddenly if you crave your treats, you can find a “paleo friendly” version of just about anything.  Cookbooks are everywhere promising Paleo treats, Paleo baking, Paleo sweets.  All the current necessary buzzwords are there; gluten-free, dairy-free, no refined sugars, etc.  Paleo cakes, paleo ice cream, paleo cookies, paleo pies, paleo candy!  Where does it stop?

Most who know me and spend time around me these days know how I eat, and that has even spread to the pharmaceutical representatives who visit us on a daily basis.  They often bring snacks for the doctors and staff, and over time those who visit my brother and I’s station at the office have learned that we prefer fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts over processed treats and baked goodies.  Some have even learned the catchphrase “paleo friendly” and at times bring us treats from local bakeries that have figured out that Paleo people still love their sweets as long as the ingredients fit the bill!  The other day I was brought a “Paleo bar” which was promised to be made of “100% Paleo Friendly Ingredients.”  It was, and it was so sickeningly sweet that I could only take two bites before having to stop!  It was a mix of a candy bar and a granola bar made of paleo safe ingredients.  It was “paleo friendly,” but it certainly was not good for me.

As you continue on your Paleo journey do not fall victim to the term “paleo friendly.”  After all, what is the Paleo lifestyle all about?  Is it not about establishing a healthy relationship with food?  Isn’t why you eat foods and what you are hoping to accomplish through eating certain foods important?  I believe that it is; in fact I believe that is the whole game.  You can crave a paleo cookie as badly as you crave an oreo, so don’t fool yourself in thinking there is a difference!  Give some thought to this idea, and ask yourself WHY you are eating those Paleo “treats.”  Did you used to eat the Snackwells because they were “low fat?”  Come on, be honest!  Don’t fall victim to this latest “catchphrase.”  It’s not worth it…

We will talk more about this topic in the coming months.  As always, I appreciate everyone’s input in the comments below.  I have done some work to the blog and plan to try and post more often in the coming year.  I will post more on Paleo, and more on my outdoor activities.  Make sure and check out my YouTube channel as well and click that subscribe button!  Much fun and excitement is to come soon on the blog and the channel this year 🙂



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Series Revisted: Keys To Paleo Success Part 1/4 – Cooking

I have quickly come to understand what I believe are the major areas one must concentrate on in order to be successful for the long term with a Paleo lifestyle. I’m not talking about specifics when it comes to what you eat, or how you eat, it’s more about behaviors and attitudes. Today’s post is the first of a multi-part series discussing these areas, and today we concentrate on cooking at home.

Some of the biggest complaints I here from my patients about the Paleo lifestyle revolve around cooking. “I can’t cook like that,” or “I can’t cook at all” are what I often get. Being inLouisianapeople just can’t wrap their heads around coming out of the kitchen without biscuits, rice or potatoes playing a major role in dinner. The same is true for any regional cuisine and that cuisine’s traditional staples. It’s almost sacrilegious to tell people that Grandma’s famous dinner rolls gotta go! The Paleo lifestyle revolves around what goes in your mouth, and what goes in our mouths every night has to revolve around a home kitchen putting out the right kind of meals.

Let’s talk restaurants. The first thing I suggest is to get over the idea that you can successfully convert to the paleo lifestyle by eating out every night. Although I do not instruct my patients to count calories when eating Paleo, I do think some obvious restraint is necessary. The average meal at a chain restaurant these days contains 400-750 calories for an appetizer, and 1200-1800 for a main course. These are averages, and many far exceed these numbers. Want to scare yourself more, take a look at the calorie numbers at common kid’s meals these days! Even splitting an appetizer, having an run of the mill entrée, along with a little bread and salad, you still are easily at 2000 calories on a good night. You simply can’t do this 4-5 nights a week and succeed.

Another problem with restaurants is cost. I have absolutely no problem going to a very nice restaurant and spending a little money on a nice meal (in fact, I rather enjoy it!). That said, when one of the biggest issues patients complain about is the cost of eating Paleo, you have to be smart where you spend your money. A 16 oz Ribeye at a local steakhouse is 24-28 dollars, the same Ribeye is 12-14 dollars at my local butcher. Take this evening for example. I am cooking crabcakes with red pepper coconut sauce, roasted asparagus and a side salad. Here are some rough numbers on the cost.


1 pound of Crabmeat – $16.00

½ bell pepper – $1.00

1 Shallot – $0.50

Paleo Mayo – $0.50

OldBaySeasoning – $3.00 (For whole thing!)

Asparagus – $4.00

Salad Greens – $4.00

Total – $29.00 or $7.25 per person

Local Seafood Restaurant:

2 Adult Crabcakes – $18.00 each

2 Kid’s Chicken Strip Meals (We won’t battle the kids out to dinner!) – $8.00 Each

2 Sides of Asparagus – $4.00 each

2 Waters – $2.00 each

2 Kids Drinks – $1.00 each

Total – $76.00, with Tax and Tip – $95.00! or an average of $23.75 per person

Now this is just an example, and I didn’t even give the kids crabcakes (which they love by the way). There is just no way anyone can argue that cooking at home is not immensely cheaper than eating out. The problem is many people don’t really see this because it just adds up. Ten bucks for lunch here, 50 for dinner there, and before you know it you have spent tons on dining out. I hear it all the time…”It’s just too expensive to cook at home!” Man! Get a calculator and discover the truth!

Another area of concern with restaurants is that you have NO IDEA what they are cooking your food with. Did you know that a Wendy’s chicken sandwich actually contains some beef?! Even nicer restaurants are out for one thing (as they probably should be) and that is to make their food taste as good as they can so you will come back and eat again. They don’t do that, as well as turn a profit by cooking with natural oils or without cutting some nutritional corners. A major part of the Paleo lifestyle is being completely aware of what is going into your mouth. You can’t do that going out to eat unless you know who is cooking for you well, and you are able to given them specific instructions on what to do and what not to do. It can be done, you just have to be very proactive when you order and make them understand how important it is to you that things are done right.

One last issue with eating out is that you are always prone to eat more when going out to dinner. Have you seen serving sizes these days! You go to a restaurant to eat, you are presented with a plethora of options, and given little extras to fill you up while you wait for your food to be cooked. How are we not going to overeat in these situations? How many of us when cooking at home serve an appetizer, bread, salad, main dish, and sides at every meal? When’s the last time your local Mexican joint failed to refill your chips and salsa on demand?!

Enough about eating out, lets talk cooking at home for the rest of the post. I get it, I’m a foodie kitchen dork who loves to cook and make my family happy at meal time. I also have tons of time and don’t work but 3 hours a day….NOT!! Maybe you don’t like to cook? Or is it that you don’t feel comfortable in the kitchen? Or maybe nothing turns out as good as it does at Chilis? Here is a few suggestions.

The first thing I suggest is that you keep a well stocked pantry at all times. When we designed our new house I let my wife essentially do the whole thing…except for my pantry. I knew exactly what I wanted, and I even ended up having the builders rip a wall down and steal more space from an adjacent guest closet to increase the size. No matter the size though, you need to keep pantry staples on hand so you don’t have to constantly be running to the store to get everyday items. If you make it a priority to stock your pantry, you can spread the cost out over 3-4 months and end up with a good stock on hand. I can’t emphasize your pantry enough.




Next I suggest you start easy and slow. Find some easy Paleo recipes on the internet or in a book and follow it step by step. Look here for a place to start! Read and understand the recipe well before starting, prepare your ingredients, and put it together. You just have to try! Don’t have much time, pull out the crock pot and take 10 minutes in the morning to fix dinner before you leave the house! This may sound obvious, but for a while I would stick to meals that you KNOW you and your family will love. If you are new to cooking, and your family is wishing Domino’s was delivering instead, the last thing you want is to try something a little out of the norm and (literally) leave a bad taste in their mouths. Cook some “fast balls down the middle of the plate” for a while to build your confidence, as well as the confidence of those you are cooking for. Once you feel pretty good about some easy recipes that everyone enjoys, start experimenting with new techniques and ingredients. Above all else, try to make cooking fun! Involve the kids and make a mess every once in a while. You are teaching your kids knowledge that will serve them a lifetime if they learn to produce great meals at home.

Another MAJOR component to successful cooking from the home is planning. If I don’t have anything planned for dinner when I leave the house in the morning, we probably have a 75% chance of getting take out that night. We spend more, eat more, and likely are eating some things we should not. Plan ahead for 2-3 days and try to have your ingredients on hand. Check your family schedule every week and look for things that could get in your way. Always have church till later on Wednesdays? Why not try making Wednesdays crock pot night and you don’t have to worry about dinner other than to get home and serve. We usually do go out to lunch every Sunday after church, so it gives everyone something to look forward to on the weekend. Just find a schedule and plan that is right for you and stick to it.

I want to give you guys two quick tips that I have discovered for myself over the years being the cook and planner in the house. First, I used to try to plan meals for the whole week on Sunday, and get everything bought early to cut on my trips to the grocery store. For me that just did not work very well. Almost always, what sounded good for dinner Thursday night when I was planning Sunday night did not sound as good when Thursday came around. This led to more going out to eat, and wasting of food I bought for that dinner if I did not quickly find another use for it. I now plan 2 days in advance maximum (unless I am using the Sous Vide for more than a 48 hour soak). I go to the store more, but it allows me to always keep what we eat fresh and more consistent with the moment.

Second I want to talk cooking temperature. If you have ever watched Mario Batali cook on TV he says often that the difference between a home cook and a chef is in the “aggressiveness of the heat.” What he means is that restaurant food tastes so good because they cook with high eat and are not afraid to slightly burn food to get that umami flavor we all love. Be aggressive, but to be so you have to be there while your food cooks. My wife can’t do this because she tries to do too many things at once and can’t concentrate on just cooking. Not a bad thing, it’s just who she is! To cook with high heat and get great flavor you have to watch and be there for all the action. Work on this and your food will start tasting better immediately.

I know this has been a sort of hodgepodge of thoughts, but cooking at home is absolutely essential to making Paleo fresh, affordable, and consistent in it’s results for you and your family. Make it fun for the whole family to find the best ingredients, visit local farmer’s markets, get to know the guy raising your beef if you can. If this is too much, maybe you can at least get to know the guy cutting your beef for you at the grocery store. One of my major goals as a dad and a cook is for my kids to know where food comes from. I don’t want them to think food comes though the car window, or from a box, or served mainly for us by a waiter at a restaurant. Real food comes from the home. And as I say; Real Food…Real Health.


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Posted by on February 24, 2015 in General Paleo Discussion, Uncategorized


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What is Paleo Truly Guilty Of? – Carb Addiction and the Industry That Supports It

When people are passionate about things, they tend to get very defensive.  Question someone’s child, and they are bound to get upset in a hurry.  I certainly do!  So why is it people get so defensive when you start explaining the Paleo diet to them?

Today I saw a lady at my office.  Fairly typical middle-aged, over weight female with poorly controlled diabetes.  She recently started on an insulin pump but her glucose control is no better at all.  I had a suspicion why, and again started to question the details of what she eats.  Of course, she eats carb after carb after carb.  Whole wheat this, and low fat that.  She has tried to cut the carbs in the past, and actually had pretty decent success, but quickly falls back into your carbilicious ways.  Why?  Why go back when a change in diet shows clear improvement in her sugars?

Another gentleman today saw me for his second visit with me.  He changed from another physician because he heard I was good at treating diabetes, and felt his prior physician was not doing a good job.  During his first visit he explained what he was looking for; excellent sugars with minimal medications, and to be able to eat what he wants.  No problem right?!  Over around 20 minutes I proceeded to deflate his balloon to the point it may have actually been a black hole by the end of the visit.  He was very frustrated because his sugars were regularly bottoming out, yet his Hemoglobin A1C (90 day sugar average we use to direct care of diabetics) was still too high.  He was essentially convinced that the labs were repeatedly wrong.  He swore his sugars were always “around 100.”  So, luckily for me, and unluckily for him, I did a 72 Hour Glucose monitor on him.  This is a device that is connected to your belly via a microscopic fiber, and it checks your glucose every 5 minutes for 72 hours.  What did we find?  For three days in a row the pattern was clear…  Every evening his sugar shot up around 7:30 like one of the Blue Angels during an air show.  It would hover around 400 a few hours, then slowly drop overnight.  In the morning, as he would typically skip breakfast it would plummet.  By noon he would eat a “sandwich and chips” and it would shoot up to around 300 for a few hours before things started again before dinner.  So, clearly his prior physician was doing a terrible job (insert sarcasm here) and all I had to do was change a few things up and it would be ok!

On todays visit we reviewed the 72 hour glucose monitor, and I broke it down for him that if HE wanted to control his sugars we could do it, but HE would have to make some significant changes.  What kind of changes?  Changes of OMISSION.  I started to tell him the typical Paleo diet rules…and he became, you guessed it, very defensive.  “But how do I eat a sandwich???….”

I would love someone to please answer this question for me; What is so terribly crazy about the Paleo Diet?  You hear it talked about on the news and they make it sound so revolutionary or “different.”.  Simply stated, Paleo is not about what you eat, it’s about what you DON’T eat.  The Paleo diet does not ADD anything to your diet that is out of the ordinary, extremely controversial, or generally crazy.  Even the devil that is an egg is getting off the hot seat lately.  All it truly does is OMIT certain things from your diet.  But not all diets of omission are so highly scrutinized.  Remove meat and become a Vegan and it’s “chic and trendy,” cut out carbs and it’s reckless and dangerous!  Give me a break!  So why is it so crazy?  Why are people so, and I mean this literally, offended by the notion of changing to a Paleo lifestyle?  It’s because they are passionate about their carbs…

People are addicted to carbs.  Tell a heroin addict you are going to take away their heroin, and they get very defensive.  Tell a carb addict you are going to take away their pasta Primavera and it’s time to break it down Bruce Lee style.  Let’s look at this simply, eating Paleo allows you to eat meat, vegetables, fruit, eggs, and nuts.  All these are 100% natural, nothing fancy here.  Please, how is this dangerous or controversial?  The extra meat you eat to replace the pasta is dangerous?  “But there is no data that so much meat is good for you…”  Well guess what, there is plenty of data that too much pasta is BAD for you.  Want data?  Talk to my two patients above.  They both love pasta, and they are both diabetics in their 50’s who keep eating pasta and can’t control their blood sugars.

Can meat hurt you?  Can vegetables hurt you?  Can fruit hurt you?  Can eggs hurt you?  Can nuts hurt you?  Barring actual allergies, I say the answers are no.

Ok, let’s look at the other side.  Can dairy hurt you?  Can grains hurt you?  Can sugar hurt you?  Can artificial crap hurt you?  I’m going to go with yes on these, and there is science to prove it.  (See rising rates of diabetes, lactose intolerance, fatty liver, cancer, auto-immune disease etc, etc)

So, what is Paleo truly guilty of?  In my opinion, it is guilty of exposing people for what they are…carbohydrate addicts.  It can’t possibly be guilty of making people eat un-natural foods, or unrecognizable concoctions companies sells as “food.”  It’s not a fad diet, as fads make you eat things that come in and out of style.  What is a fad anyway?  It is defined as: an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived and without basis in the object’s qualities; a craze.  Last I checked meat, vegetables, fruit, eggs, and nuts have been around a long time.  Probably a little longer than a tortilla chip or fat-free cheese.  A rice cake…now that was a fad!

What do addicts do?  They generally know what they do is bad for them, and they have periods of clarity where they do better.  Eventually though, the pull of their drug of choice draws them back in.  Or, they slip up and use just a little and BAM…right back to square one.  They feel shame for their addiction, people look down upon them for it, and they wish so badly they could make a permanent change, but they always fall back into old habits.  Now, imagine a heroin addict who is advised to control the addiction by sticking with “moderation” because of course, everything is good in moderation right?

Sadly, if you insert carbs as the addiction in this scenario, you might as well see pictures of my two patients above.  They literally can’t imagine life without eating their daily carbohydrates.  There is real fear and confusion when I try to take away what makes them feel best. Heroin is clearly bad for you, but a loaf of french bread or rice and gravy certainly can’t fit in the same category can they?  Well they certainly are not as ACUTELY dangerous for you, but a long-standing addiction to carbs lead to the same result as any other addiction.  Without the same pattern of addiction is there regardless of the “drug” of choice.

What’s worst than that?  Diabetics are told to control their sugars by using the very carbs they are addicted to in “moderation”…and somehow we are surprised that they can’t stop over eating carbs.  As the Hartwig’s in their book It Starts With Food label it, OVER-carbsumption.  Paleo simply OMITs the drug…and somehow it is a bad thing…  The current food pyramid does the same thing with obesity!  Lose weight by eating the things that make you gain weight in moderation.  It’s a lose-lose situation.

Oh, and one more thing Paleo is guilty of.  It makes the sugar people, and the wheat people, and the dairy people, and the soybean people, and the corn people….you guessed it, defensive 🙂  Their “bottom line” is very defensive about their products potentially being a major cause for obesity and chronic disease.  They rely on the government to make sure that nothing about their industry gets labeled as a potential problem.  Can I blame the government?  Yes and No.  But, that’s a whole other blog post entirely…

Meat, vegetables, fruit, eggs, nuts…these actual foods, 100% natural FOODS can’t hurt you.  Instead Paleo is guilty of simply exposing people, industry, pundits etc for who they are.  They are either addicted to carbs, their livelihoods depend on your carb addiction, or their election depends on your carb addition.  It’s sad, it’s true, and I’m afraid it’s here to stay.


By the way, do you agree with this post?  Do you know people who could stand to hear it?  Do me a favor, share it everywhere you can.  Post on Facebook, tweet it to followers, reblog it, pin it on pinterest to your heart’s content.  In many ways I preach to the choir.  Most who follow my blog agree with these concepts because you already follow a Paleo Lifestyle.  But, many do not.  The only way to bring about change is to spread the word!  So, if you want to help, share away!  Thanks for reading, and thanks for your support.  Please comment all you want, conversation is a good thing!


Posted by on February 17, 2015 in General Paleo Discussion, Paleo Advice


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An Update on Things!

Greetings everyone! Just a quick update on how things are going, since I totally suck at consistently updating the blog… I have to be honest, keeping up with posting on a regular basis while keeping up a full time medical practice, being a husband and dad, exercising when I can, and sleeping adequately is hard!! I’m on vacation right now in North Georgia and am enjoying relaxing!

Things are well, kids are growing, and this update will be short as I’m pecking away at my iPad keyboard which tends to aggregate me! So what’s going on?

-The family garden is going well. This is our first actual attempt to grow a garden and we are starting to enjoy the harvest. Regular tomatoes, cucumbers, okra, and ton of peppers so far. Also, our apple trees that we planted 5 years ago have applets this year! It takes years to produce, and you have to hope they cross pollinate….woohoo!!

-I continue to push the Paleo lifestyle in my traditional Internal Medicine practice…and of coarse many patients remain resistant (shocker). That said, I am very pleased that in my small Louisiana town the Paleo community is growing. My good friend and next door neighbor the Fit Paleo Mom even has a special Summer Cooking Series on a local TV station spotlighting Paleo cooking. Honestly guys, if you have not checked out her recipe blog DO IT, it’s great. In the last several years since I began my Paleo life, our small town has really come a long way, and I feel it is very much fueled by the Paleo community. We have two local farms producing grass fed beef, a local organic farm producing amazing produce they sell twice a week (they also sell pastured pork, fresh farm eggs, and are developing ducks to sell), and our local big chain grocery has tremendously expanded their organic produce and food area. Our community is passionate about sourcing our food, and local business has responded.

-I have personally started to push my road cycling. I dabbled in it a few years ago and bought a nice starter Specialized bike. I enjoyed it, but rode off and on. A few months ago I decided to push it, make goals, trying to get faster and better. More than anything the quiet time it gives me is amazing. I cherish alone time, and my bike has become a sanctuary. Cycling is now my main exercise, and I’m loving it. I’m doing what I normally do…reading all I can on improving my cycling and am already seeing the steady results. I entered a local race, the Tour de Bayou 2013 in November. This is very unlike me, as I’m not that competitive by nature. I’m pretty excited though, should be fun (I’ll get a T-shirt too 🙂 ).

-Lastly I’m staring to make it a point to get my kids and I outside much more. With them small my wife and I’s enjoyment of hiking, camping, kayaking etc slowed down tremendously. They just could not enjoy these activities being so small. At Easter we went camping in Texas, and after a VERY cold first night we really enjoyed being outside. Nighttime fireside chats with my daughter were priceless. We are utilizing our love of Geocaching to get outside as well, and if you are looking for a way to get your kids excited about getting outside, CHECK IT OUT! On this vacation we took the kids on a 3 hour river Kayak trip and they absolutely loved it. Kourt and I are so excited as we feel we can start enjoying this part of our life again now that the kids are old enough to tag along, and most importantly enjoy it! We have many plans coming together, the first of which is a 4-5 night canoe camping trip next year…float by day, fireside by night :). This way the kids don’t have to carry much, the canoes can do that for us. Oh how I love being outside…

I’m honest, I’m not as good at updating the blog as I should be. I’ll get better, but I know it will be intermittent while my kids are small. If you want though, please follow my Instagram feed as I update it regularly with my meals and adventures. I really enjoy interacting with you all, and truly love our inspirational community. As always, you can find me on Twitter @PaleolothicMD.

Keep in touch, God bless, and stay safe.



Posted by on July 26, 2013 in General Paleo Discussion


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