Tag Archives: Eggs

Whole 30: Day 13

Another day down, and today was a challenging one to say the least. Every year our local arts center holds a fundraiser called Men Who Cook. Guys cook up stuff and serve it all night. People pay by “tipping” your table and all the tips go to the center. This year we entered the drink section because being our fifth hearing doing it, we wanted a little break from cooking!

This morning we had a lazy morning around the house. Somehow our kids managed to sleep till like 9, which is miraculous believe me. I wanted to try something new for breakfast. I decided to make hash browns out of sweet potatoes! I shredded a sweet potato, diced up am onion, and fried it in a non-stick skillet with ghee until the hash was nice and charred and yummy.



Next I set my sites on a two egg omelette. Actually, two of them as my wife was standing by as well. I heated a stainless steel pan super hot and added some ghee to it. I swirled the ghee around to coat the sides of the pan as well. I whisked up to farm fresh eggs and poured them into the hot pan. Gently swirl the pan in a circular motion for 10 seconds or so, then flip the omelette over on itself with quick short jabs with the pan. Serve with some of your hash and a few cherry tomatoes, and it’s breakfast time!




Thanks to the late breakfast I didn’t eat much all day. At the fundraiser it was decidedly not paleo friendly! My savior was two tables down where they were serving parts of their whole roasted pig! How paleo is that! It was a fun night, I managed to stay clean, and a good deal of money was raised for a good cause. On to tomorrow…the two week mark!


Posted by on May 20, 2012 in General Paleo Discussion


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Portable Breakfast Frittata

Before I forget, I wanted yall to notice the recipe index tab above.  I’m adding links to all the recipes I post under this section to make it easy to find them over time.  I have nothing but plans to grow this blog over time, and one day the organization will help everyone find what they need much faster!  On to the food..

If you are all like me, it’s hard some days to find time to eat a complete breakfast when you are on the go. I love a good frittata, but often gotta get the kiddos to school before I could ever finish one! Enter the muffin frittata (Nom Nom Paleo is apparently obsessed with them). This morning it’s just me and the kids, so I decided to take my first crack at baking me up some individual frittata’s with the hope of eating a few in the mornings this week for breakfast when I’m running short on time.

Pre-Heat the oven to 375 F. Here is what I assembled for the job. Half a pound of ground turkey, two shallots, a yellow pepper, a can of red pimentos, Madras Curry Powder, 1/4 cup of coconut milk, coconut flour, and 6 eggs.

Next I heated up a little olive oil and cooked up the peppers and shallots until just tender. I added the turkey and seasoned liberally with salt and the curry powder. Saute until just a bit crispy on the edges.


In the mean time I sprayed a non-stick muffin tray with coconut oil spray and whipped up the egg mixture. Just whip the eggs with the coconut milk and a bit of coconut flour. Fill each muffin cup with the meat mixture, then top off with egg mixture to reach almost the top.

Pop these in the oven for 12 minutes, then rotate the tray 180 degrees and bake an additional 5-6 minutes. Immediately after taking them out of the oven I ran a sharp knife around the edge of each muffin to make sure it did not stick…then I crossed my fingers.

After around 10 minutes I GENTLY removed each frittata to a cooling tray. To my great surprise, I did not have to be that gentle after all as they held together very well and did not stick at all! The possibilities are endless here on good flavor combinations…I will certainly be experimenting more with these and think they’ll be a big hit on busy mornings!

Oh, and I had some left over meat mixture, so while these baked, and I was hungry, I made some quick scrambled eggs and chowed them down before the frittatas were even done 🙂



Posted by on February 4, 2012 in Breakfast, Pictures, Recipes


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Solo Dinner Tonight


Eating solo tonight. Pantry Fritatta!! Red onion, ham, zucchini, curry powder, and free range eggs! Only had a tiny patch of sticking…pretty good for me. If you like eggs, and you’ve never made a Fritatta, you gotta try it! Super easy. Sauté any ingredients you want, add them to 6-8 eggs and put whole thing in oiled oven proof pan. Cook on medium flame for 3-4 minutes, then bake at 400 degrees in oven for 8-10 minutes. It’s like omelette meets quiche! (without a crust). Post some pics if you get inspired!


Posted by on January 19, 2012 in Pictures

